Today we listened to the Glee and the Idina versions of Defying Gravity... I was all confused about what a high F was, so Tim got out his piano on his iPhone. I have no concept of music notes having anything to do with singing, so I had to hear both versions. I figured it out. I was just confused because the versions are so different and the note is on different words.
I am pretty sure I can hit a high F. I mean, if a piano can do it... I am sure I can figure it out.
Getting prepared for Atlanta. Samantha and I have the plan down. I am pretty pumped that a continental breakfast is involved. I hope there are waffles.
I am trying to think of what to wear. I wanted to wear the same thing as I wore to DC, but I realized that a November indoor concert will be quite different from a summer outdoor concert. Ugh, I think I am going to have to set aside money for a new outfit.
I was told that I repeat things and say it a lot louder and more exaggerated the second time. Rude, RUDE I tell you. I am noticing that I DO IT A LOT! I am annoying. Being called a female Jim Carrey today was not the highlight of my day...
A daily analysis into my life as it pertains to my own crazy thoughts periodically pertaining to one Idina Menzel. Sometimes often, sometimes not a lot... but sometimes nonetheless - I think to myself, "What would Idina do?" I do not know her well, but I do know that I can write the occasional blog suggesting that I do. Enjoy.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
whipping boy.
I am not sure what it is about my personality that enables me to become the whipping boy in all departments of my life. I need to fix it quick. Had a terrible night last night. Terrible. If it wasn't for my brother I am not sure I would have been able to handle it.
I had to ask myself several times... "What would Idina do?"
I could not answer my own question. I cannot even fathom that she has to deal with anything remotely similar. I need to adopt a stronger, less "walk all over me" stride. Idina has that going for her. She is definitely not Streisand strong, but I think she has the perfect balance. I need that balance.
I had to ask myself several times... "What would Idina do?"
I could not answer my own question. I cannot even fathom that she has to deal with anything remotely similar. I need to adopt a stronger, less "walk all over me" stride. Idina has that going for her. She is definitely not Streisand strong, but I think she has the perfect balance. I need that balance.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Just realized that since the only people who read this here blog are people at work, I should probably stick to not talking about bad days at work. Ha.
Bad day at home. I feel useless. They basically think I am doing nothing to help. I pissed everyone off because I wanted to sit down and eat a snack for a couple of minutes after getting home from an 8 hour work day on my feet. Sigh. Still feel pretty crappy.
I feel like the Emma Thompson character in Love Actually today. I am listening to Joni Mitchell like crazy. Not sure if she is helping or making it worse, but I really don't care at this point.
Realized I never told my funny computer background story on here. So, a friend of mine was over at my house and he needed to plug his phone in my computer to charge it. I had to preface the whole thing by saying... "Don't judge me." He laughed out loud when he saw that my background was a picture of Idina and Taye. Classic me. Not embarrassing at alllll.
I thought about watching the Bachelorette because Idina said she and Taye watch it... but I can't bring myself to do it. I know, for a fact, that I would love it, but I don't have time to get invested in a reality show at this venture in my life. Not sure what I am going to talk to her about when I meet her now though?? Something that doesn't make me sound crazy. Gonna be a tough one.
Bad day at home. I feel useless. They basically think I am doing nothing to help. I pissed everyone off because I wanted to sit down and eat a snack for a couple of minutes after getting home from an 8 hour work day on my feet. Sigh. Still feel pretty crappy.
I feel like the Emma Thompson character in Love Actually today. I am listening to Joni Mitchell like crazy. Not sure if she is helping or making it worse, but I really don't care at this point.
Realized I never told my funny computer background story on here. So, a friend of mine was over at my house and he needed to plug his phone in my computer to charge it. I had to preface the whole thing by saying... "Don't judge me." He laughed out loud when he saw that my background was a picture of Idina and Taye. Classic me. Not embarrassing at alllll.
I thought about watching the Bachelorette because Idina said she and Taye watch it... but I can't bring myself to do it. I know, for a fact, that I would love it, but I don't have time to get invested in a reality show at this venture in my life. Not sure what I am going to talk to her about when I meet her now though?? Something that doesn't make me sound crazy. Gonna be a tough one.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I feel like I need to write double the Idina for today because... I missed yesterday. I was too tired to write an entry. When you are too tired to write a life entry that coincides with your random thoughts about Idina, that is when you know something ain't right.
Two things... Pistachio pudding is a very good Elphaba green. And, roughly 3.5 months until Atlanta. Hopefully that time will fly.
I listened to Wicked in my car today. I have random cd's in my player and it was interesting going from Wicked and kinda tearing up before I walked into work because apparently the song "For Good" makes me sad... and then listening to Rob Jungklas' new cd which is kind of dark in its own. I wouldn't think the two things would fit together in one days regiment of music, but it worked for the mood I have been in lately. Things aren't happy times people.
I miss singing Streisand and having fun at work. Sigh.
I will have to keep singin' in my head and maybe it'll pick up my spirits. Best time I had today was spending an hour in the box closet...
Anywho! Getting in one more Idina tid bit while I have the chance. I must know if she redeemed herself in front of Obama when she sang for him at the White House. Hopefully she will mention something in Atlanta. That story made me laugh. "I'm pregnant!" HA! I've told it to pretty much anyone who will listen.
Two things... Pistachio pudding is a very good Elphaba green. And, roughly 3.5 months until Atlanta. Hopefully that time will fly.
I listened to Wicked in my car today. I have random cd's in my player and it was interesting going from Wicked and kinda tearing up before I walked into work because apparently the song "For Good" makes me sad... and then listening to Rob Jungklas' new cd which is kind of dark in its own. I wouldn't think the two things would fit together in one days regiment of music, but it worked for the mood I have been in lately. Things aren't happy times people.
I miss singing Streisand and having fun at work. Sigh.
I will have to keep singin' in my head and maybe it'll pick up my spirits. Best time I had today was spending an hour in the box closet...
Anywho! Getting in one more Idina tid bit while I have the chance. I must know if she redeemed herself in front of Obama when she sang for him at the White House. Hopefully she will mention something in Atlanta. That story made me laugh. "I'm pregnant!" HA! I've told it to pretty much anyone who will listen.
Sunday, July 25, 2010

The cutest thing happened a second ago. I was making my sister listen to Idina's version of Funny Girl down stairs over breakfast and my cat (pictured) came running down the stairs at the sound of her voice! She sat in one of the chairs around the table and listened until the song was over and then ran along. I just about died! My cat and I have the same taste in music! I love it...
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Funny Girl.

I have been needing some Barbra as of late. I am watching Funny Girl as I type. Opening words... "Hello, Gorgeous." Best first line of a movie ever. Ever. Barbra is phenomenal. I can't think about Funny Girl these days without hearing Idina's version from Glee. Theatricality is one thing. Barbra is on a whole other planet. Idina did it justice. Did it more than justice really.
I can't help but be a little disappointed in our mutual idol. When I hear Idina's story about singing at the Kennedy Center Honors and what Ms. Streisand said to her after singing "Don't rain on my Parade," I get sad a bit. I don't necessarily have a problem with the words, but more how she was so floored with Beyonce the whole flipping time. Beyonce isn't all that and a bag of fritos, but she is hip. It is just surprising. Felt a little like the disappointment I felt when I watched Julie and Julia. Ugh! That is a whole other story.
Ok, this movie has a way of making me smile at any given moment. Barbra does that to me. That is why she is the background on my cellphone. It brings me peace.
I'd like to see what Barbra would say about my rendition of "Don't rain on my Parade." HA! I really need to erase that from internet history. It is still on there somewhere. Embarrassing.
I should either erase it, orrrrrr start my grand idea of filming myself singing a crap ton of Streisand song a cappella. Pretty sure erasing the original would be the best plan. It didn't get me anywhere... Sad Face.
Friday, July 23, 2010
thoughts 2
Mom is doing well. She only said one funny thing coming off the anesthesia. I was feeding her ice chips and she said, "I'm like a baby bird." She was opening her mouth and shutting it. Adorable! Idina song of the day... Gorgeous. I keep thinkin about her performance of it in DC. I think that is the song she sang before she talked about her mother. Maybe not. Today is just reminding me of it. Home soon I hope. Work tomorrow. Wish I could just stay with my mom and sister for a couple weeks. Hmf.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
My mom is getting both of her breasts removed today... Currently in a waiting room sitting in a massage chair while the mom is getting dye injected into her. It is cold and I am wearing my Idina shirt. It brings good juju. I wore it to my sister's prcedure in Nashville. Great success.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Birthday Thoughts...

Today is my Birthday. I have some thoughts that may or may not pertain to Idina.
I got tickets to the Atlanta show. I need to go. I hope to go. I must go. I will just have to make it work.
Awesome birthday presents this year. Including but not limited to: a few of Morgan's favorite things displayed in cookie. (Attached picture is just a sample of Samantha's insane talent.)
I was watching some video from the D.C. show. I was thinking about how amazing it was to see Idina sing with Marvin Hamlisch on the piano. She sang a Marvin Hamlisch song. I am surprised I didn't pee myself. I probably would have if it wasn't so hot and if I wasn't so dehydrated.
I am very annoyed that Idina's name keeps getting a red squiggly underneath it. It is not misspelled! It is throwing me off. Why is she not included in the dictionary yet? Hmf.
And Idina looked good in her blue dress. I wish she could wear green without people thinking she is channeling Elphaba. Dark hair looks good in green.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
OH! Forgot to mention... Tomorrow is my Birthday and I have to work. Sigh.
Tomorrow, aside from being my birthday, is also the day that Idina's Atlanta pre-sale tickets go on sale. WOOT! Too bad I will be at work, but I am thinking I will get my mom to get online and buy them for me. Or my sister. Or Emily. I got options.
Get yours too!! But I will be mad if they are better than mine! Very mad!
Tomorrow, aside from being my birthday, is also the day that Idina's Atlanta pre-sale tickets go on sale. WOOT! Too bad I will be at work, but I am thinking I will get my mom to get online and buy them for me. Or my sister. Or Emily. I got options.
Get yours too!! But I will be mad if they are better than mine! Very mad!
Today Number One
Today was a pretty crappy day. I thought to myself a few times... "What would Idina do?" I wanted to quit my job, and I thought Idina probably would if she was me.
So, I considered it for a bit, but I came to the realization that Idina's life has probably been changed a lot since the baby came. She wouldn't just quit. She has a baby to take care of...
Speaking of her baby. I am so glad that someone finally had the balls to name their kid Walker. That Texas Ranger has seriously destroyed that adorable name. Now I have a good image instead of a pathetic one when I think of the name.
I think a lot about what I will name my future kids. Right now I am thinking of Evelyn. Not sure what I will name a boy. Maybe Chuck Norris?
So, I considered it for a bit, but I came to the realization that Idina's life has probably been changed a lot since the baby came. She wouldn't just quit. She has a baby to take care of...
Speaking of her baby. I am so glad that someone finally had the balls to name their kid Walker. That Texas Ranger has seriously destroyed that adorable name. Now I have a good image instead of a pathetic one when I think of the name.
I think a lot about what I will name my future kids. Right now I am thinking of Evelyn. Not sure what I will name a boy. Maybe Chuck Norris?
The reason for this blog...

I recently traveled to Washington, D.C from my home in Memphis, TN in order to see Idina Menzel perform at the Wolf Trap. I had quite the trip. I came home, got to work and decided that I was going to blog about all the times I think to myself, "What would Idina do? What would Idina think?" etc. I am literally that crazy. Literally.
Here is my adventure to D.C. as posted on my fan page at (don't judge)-
Sooo... I travel all the way from Tennessee to Washington, D.C. to visit some friends but really to see Idina live in concert. I had never been to D.C. and had never seen Idina perform solo, so I just had to go. I bought two tickets and then a plane ticket and off I went for a weekend getaway. This whole thing was a birthday present to myself. I have been working hard and saving money and I thought I deserved a treat.
Basically, I had the best trip of my soon to be 23 years of life. I did all of the touristy things with two of my friends and then the night of the show came. I was to go solo because both of my friends in D.C. had boyfriends that were currently holding precedent over me. Andy was whisked away to Florida and Glyn just wanted to hang with her Navy boy. Understandable, but I was to ride the metro out to Virginia alone.
I leave an hour and fifteen minutes early thinking that it would be plenty of time to make it to the show. I was horribly mistaken. The red line was out to get me. It was only running on one track, so I was forced to go way out of my way to get to the orange line, waiting 15 minutes at every transfer station on the way.
I was a mess. I ran into someone I had met a few nights before and he told me I was screwed and that I should go to dinner with him and his friends instead. NO WAY! If I made it in time to hear one song it would be worth it.
I finally arrive to the West Falls Church stop and realize that the shuttle to the Wolf Trap stopped running when the concert started. Which was an hour previous to my arrival. I am running frantic (have I mentioned that I did not eat dinner?) my heart is racing and I feel like crying hysterically. I finally find a cab and the man takes his sweet time getting me to the venue.
I was certain he was taking me somewhere to murder me because my face just screamed "tourist who knows nothing about anything in the state of Virginia." I just wanted to yell at him... "Drive faster!!! You can murder me after the concert... Just let me see Idina sing one bloody song would ya?"
I pay for my twenty dollar cab after I yell at him to just drop me off at the street. I see a lady and I ask her to point me in the direction of the Filene Center. She tells me "Right up that hill..."
I look up the hill and start to sprint. I am pretty sure I have never ran that fast in my life. I get to the top and see people leaving. I just know that the show is over and I have missed everything. Fighting back tears, I yell to the fist person I see, "Is she done? Is it over?"
With a confused look the lady asks me what I am talking about. Through panting breaths of air I ask, "Did I miss Idina sing?" She tells me the best news I have heard in some time. "She hasn't even come on yet."
Thinking to myself... "There is a God!" I run into the venue and frantically find my seat. Being from the South I talk to everyone who will listen and I tell my stories to the people around me. I helped a woman by allowing her to see the concert seated next to her husband because my extra ticket was not in use. I am sure my annoying edge of seat behavior was price enough to pay for that.
The two young ladies on the other side of me thought I was quite the character. "A kid in a candy store" is what they called me. These upstanding citizens saved my butt and gave me a ride into the city actually.
The only thing I wish I could have done is taken a picture with Idina. I wanted to stand in line with the rest of the crazies, but getting back to the city in one piece was holding a greater importance. Perhaps I will go to Atlanta and I will be able to see her again??
The concert was incredible. I was so close that I could see the creases in her arm glisten from sweat (strange imagery, I know.) I have horrible luck on most occasions, but in D.C. luck was on my side. Best Birthday Present Ever! Next time I am determined to get a picture with her. Honestly... I was super sweaty and my high-waisted shorts and my crazy looking hat would not have been that great of a picture.
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