Thursday, August 19, 2010


Does Idina recycle? I need to start. I am not even very good at eating leftovers. I waste so much food. Maybe I'll just start there... baby steps.

Ready for Salsa. There will be no leftovers from that dinner. I need guacamole. Speaking of guacamole, I bought some of that guac that comes in the crazy package that you have to squirt out. Weird, but delicious. I hope Idina isn't allergic to avocado. That just might be a deal breaker.

I need a hair cut. There really isn't enough hours in the day. Playing nurse/maid while having a job and attempting to occasionally see your friends does not a lot of free time make.

Again, why can I not get a job working for Idina's tour. I will pretty much do anything. Have I mentioned I've worked stuffing envelopes? I mean, I will do ANYTHING.

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